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Your donations are put to use immediately. We have projects running year round that need your support--donate today to make a difference!

You can either donate by credit card by filling out the donation form below, or you can make a deposit direct to our bank account:
Bicycle New South Wales Environmental Trust
BSB 063000
Account Number 1172 2740

If you are donating by direct deposit please email us at [email protected] to let us know that you have donated.



Donation to Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust

Since 2003, the Bicycle NSW Environmental Trust has strived to achieve our objectives:

(a) to conserve and protect the natural environment through the promotion of bicycling as an environmentally beneficial means of transport;
(b) to promote the use of the bicycle as a key element of ecologically sustainable development practices;
(c) to promote bicycle transport as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing non-renewable energy consumption and improving land use; and
(d) to promote the use of the bicycle as a healthy, environmentally sustainable means of enhancing accessibility and personal mobility in the community.

Please donate to the Bicycle NSW Environtmental Trust to help create a better environment for all bicycle riders.

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